. Liz's Lair

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's a Hot Spot

Welcome to Liberty Square, my apartment complex. This is the crowd I
could hear outside my window Sunday night around midnight. Why is
there such a crowd? The answer is simple: housing contracts. Liberty
Square is known for being the popular sophomore housing complex which
makes it a little tough to get into. These people started lining up
around midnight Sunday and didn't get in the office until 10 am
Monday. The line extends from the office door (right side of picture)
and wraps all the way along the sidewalk through the middle of the
complex. Luckily I didn't have to wait like this to get accepted. I
was part of a group that got there early and I joined them closer to 9
am. I'm on the hunt for housing for next year but I don't think it's
quite the hassle it is for the younger crowd. Lucky me :)