Today I donated blood for the second time in my life. I was expecting it to run just as smoothly as the last one but I was wrong. Luckily I was the first one there so I didn't have to wait in a long line like I did last time. They prick one of your fingers to get a sample of your blood as a preliminary test or what not. I don't remember it bruising last time...After that I sat in the donor chair and hoped the girl performing the procedure was competent. They have you pump your arm to find the best vein. She decided against the vein that has been used twice; once for tests and the other for donating. That should have been my first red flag. After she marked the vein she got the needle ready. In the previously mentioned blood procedures the tech got in the vein on the first try. Not this lady! She poked around a bit which was super uncomfortable. Finally she had another lady come over to find the vein. New lady, "You were there, you just needed to push it in a little farther." Original lady, "I thought I was poking it." She thought that because she was. I'm pretty sure I'll have a bruise on my arm unlike last time which might be cool. I'll keep you updated.

This is what I get for trying to contribute to society. Definitely a Badge of Honor.